In the greater Knoxville Area we have had a huge influx of new residents from all around the country. As you might expect the new larger population has necessitated the growth of the service industry to meet the needs of the community. Much of this has been at the cost of local businesses as large national corporations come in and buy up the family owned shops and stores. You can see it on just about any street corner as your local lunch spot was razed to make way for a Fast food chain, your local barber is now a national Haircut salon offering a worse haircut for double the price. Our industry is no different!

5 Bays no wait!!
As the large national corporations have come in and purchased the once local garages they have brought in a large advertising budget and transplanted leadership from existing locations. Typically the Shop management is from out of town and does not share our same East TN values and has no connections to the client base. You will see their ads in your mailbox almost on a daily basis, They have lost the regular customers and need to fill the shop at any cost. Be very wary of these advertisements and any shop that can get your car in immediately during the busy times of the year, these shops are fighting to get in any customer and squeeze every penny they can no matter the what the vehicle really needs.
A good quality repair shop is worth the wait.
Better Warranty!
You may think that by using a nationwide corporation you are receiving a better warranty. This is not the case, our warranties are nationwide, include free towing and roadside assistance. There is no reason to pay the higher prices of a nationwide chain when you can receive the same benefits and keep your dollars in the community.

You are more than a customer!
Not a day goes by that I do not see one of our regulars out in the world. I might run into Mrs. Shadley at the grocery store, Mr. Hawkins and his wife at the restaurant while on lunch break, Mr. Tirado at the department store on the weekend. These small interactions are always positive and im happy to stop and swap stories about our families, discuss current events, or occasionally even how their car has been treating them. I am always glad to see a familiar smiling face out in the world, and am glad to be a positive part of this community as someone who can be relied on.
Keep your Money in the community.
When you spend your hard earned money here you are supporting local 10 local families and every penny goes right back into the community. Everyone here from the shop maintenance man to the owner are all local and shop at the same stores as you, send our kids to the same schools, support our local neighbors. We sincerely appreciate you and are glad to have you as clients.
— Joshua Shook Sr.